Saturday, January 22, 2011

Beer & Shrimp

I was buying a half rack of Henry's the other day and this coupon was inside the box:

I love beer and I love shrimp but what the hell is this coupon? Buy beer and get $10 off shrimp? What? This coupon raised a few questions:
  • Does Henry's own all the shrimp in the world and they simply want to increase their shrimp sales?
  • Who makes a coupon for something general like shrimp or bread or meat? Are all the shrimp caught and sold by one company and this coupon is designed simply to get people to buy any shrimp in the store?
  • Is there a "beer and shrimp are awesome together" movement going on that I'm not aware of? Who has ever been at the store and thought, "I need to pick up some beer...oh yeah, and I gotta have some shrimp too. They're perfect together!"
  • Is this practice commonplace? I've never seen a coupon like this - EVER. "Buy a box of condoms and get a free pack of tortillas" or "Buy a car and get a free golf club." Really? Who arranged this coupon?
I must admit - I kinda want to go claim my $10 worth of shrimp.

More Awesomeness in Everett / I'm Still a Cell Phone Pic Ninja

This particular picture is one of my favorites. I was driving through Everett a while back and saw this nasty ass building. As I was passing the building I noticed the sign in the window. I started laughing so hard that I had to drive around the block. Then I pulled into the center turn lane, put my hazard lights on and took this picture with my phone.

Since this blog is all about you, the reader, I zoomed in on the sign in the window for you as well.

If this "spa" really is a legitimate business! Is it a "we'll rape and kill you" spa? Perhaps they should use some of their considerable resources to purchase: a.) a sign that doesn't make their spa look like a meth lab/whore house and b.) some cleaning supplies to clean the building so it doesn't look like a meth lab/whore house.

I really hope this was a joke. If it was, then bravo! But since this "spa" is in the same city as the Santa Photos shop, The Star Wars Guy and The Morning Drinker I wouldn't bet on it.

Seriously - doesn't this look like the type of place where you'd find whores, pimps, meth and crack pipes? Everett is Awesome.