Friday, May 29, 2009

Awesomeness in Everett, WA - This Can't Be Topped

I'm not normally one to be at a loss for words so this is a little strange for me. Earlier today I was on my way home. On the way to the freeway I saw this building in downtown Everett. I had to pull off to the side of the road to take the picture or I would have killed somebody. Or even worse, I could have gotten a ticket.

I think it'll be best for everyone if I just let you take a loot at the photograph first:

This picture brings so many things to mind I don't know where to begin so I'm just gonna let em rip:

  1. WOW!
  2. Really?
  3. Really?
  4. REALLY?
  5. Who, in their right mind, would take their kids to get pictures taken with Santa at this establishment? Check that - who in their right mind would let their kids NEAR THIS BUILDING?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I think my favorite part of the photo is the bottom of the sign where it reads: "OR STOP IN..." Really? "Hey, this place looks legit! Let's take the kids on over for some pictures with Santa! It's bound to be a great time!"
  7. Do people actually call the number to make reservations for pictures with Santa at this location? Seriously?
  8. Wouldn't you have to be raising some pretty darn stupid kids for them to believe that Santa was actually in THIS building? Isn't Santa only at the mall?
  9. Can anyone really just open up a store that specializes in exclusively Santa Photos? Shouldn't you have to have a very specific and highly regulated license for this particular line of work?
  10. Do you think there are elves inside that building? Do you think one of them is a huge elf like Will Ferrell?
  11. Is it possible that the people who opened this joint were actually well intentioned people but merely had the worst marketing campaign ever and inadvertently twisted their wholesome idea into one that looked like a molester's workshop? Do you think anyone in the history of history has used the phrase "molester's workshop?"
  12. Does this photo firmly cement me as the greatest cell phone photographer in history?

These are the questions that will keep me up tonight...on second thought, no they won't. I'm gonna sleep just fine...laughing at the thought of the "Santa Photos" photo! Ahhhhhh hahahahahaahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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